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Activities & Exercise

Cedar Gardens Personal Care Home promotes senior wellness with daily activities and interaction including bingo, bowling, dancing, puzzles, tea parties, exercise, and movies. Find out more now!

Celebrate Life!

One of the greatest benefits of Cedar Gardens is our residents and staff. At Cedar Gardens you can have as much or as little socialization as you want. We respect your privacy but also offer a balanced lifestyle which includes daily activities and exercise.


According to the Government of Canada“There is a substantial amount of evidence that describes the relationship between health and social isolation. A senior’s social network can positively influence good health behaviours [whereas] social isolation affects the psychological and cognitive health of seniors. It is associated with higher levels of depression and suicide.”

Through years of experience, we have developed a list of activities that are sure to get you out of your room, socializing and smiling on a daily basis! To ensure that every resident feels welcome and comfortable we have a designated activity co-ordinator that comes door-to-door to see if residents want to participate in our daily activities. Some activities included are, but not limited to:

  • Card games
  • Board games
  • Puzzles
  • Seasonal arts & crafts
  • Hobbies (including baking with staff and other residents, puzzles, gardening, knitting, reading club etc . . .)
  • Movie nights
  • Sports-event nights
  • Tea Parties
  • Garden Parties
  • Live band & dancing (a live band visits a few times per month for a night of musical therapy and dancing)

Let’s Celebrate Together

At Cedar Gardens we look forward to holidays and cultural events so that we always have something to celebrate. Some holidays include Christmas, New Years, Easter, Canada Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. As part of the Cedar Garden’s experience, we are always looking for ways to include an event or holiday that’s personal to you. We also celebrate our resident’s birthdays by welcoming family members to join us an afternoon of coffee/tea & homemade baking!

Revitalize with Light Exercise

Feeling old, unmotivated or unhealthy is only a state of mind. As part of our ongoing commitment to your health and wellness we encourage our residents to exercise both their minds (through games and social activities) and their bodies! Cedar Gardens offers the following exercise as a part of our “Feel Well” program:

Sit & Be Fit Program

This group led program is offered to our residents in the common area daily.

Daily Walks

With a guide/care worker during our spring, summer and fall months.

One-on-One Exercise Assistance

If a resident has been prescribed exercises by a doctor we offer one-on-one sessions with an instructor who will provide assistance to ensure the exercises are completed and done accurately for optimal benefit.

Start Living Your Best Life!

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